We ship our products from ports in Mobile Alabama, Charleston SC, and Savannah Ga. Our shipping agents in Mobile, Alabama and Virginia Beach, Virginia handle our export shipments. Our dowels that are shipped here in the entire United States and Canada are shipped by trucking lines.

In addition we also export our products to the following countries:

India China France Taiwan
Sweden England Australia Germany

Our Products

  • Hickory Dowels for drumsticks and chair stretchers.
  • Hickory Handle blanks for striking tool industry
  • 100% Pure Hickory Sawdust used for smoking meat, flavorful barbecue, and manufacturing liquid smoke.
  • Ash Dowels used for shovel, broom, and wheel barrel handles.
  • Hickory Chip Nuggets for backyard barbeque

507 Prairie Ave, Eutaw, AL 35462 | Phone:(205) 372-3382